
Airport Sweeping

Enviropath provides Airport sweeping and maintenance of your Airport. The removal of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) from airport surfaces is critical to the safe operation of aircraft. Failure to manage debris can result in significant damage and maintenance costs for aircraft operators and has the potential for catastrophic failure and loss of life.

There are many types of debris that can cause problems with aircraft operation. While we tend to focus on large items such as sticks, plastic bags, food containers, screws, bolts and other aircraft parts etc., it should be acknowledged that even sand and dust have a long-term effect on jet turbine engines. Management of these risks requires careful selection of Plant and People and sweeping programs that will mitigate the problems.

Enviropath has extensive experience in this area and has been involved in a number of airport construction and maintenance projects in the past, these include. Brisbane, Sydney Domestic & International, Williamstown RAAF, Hervey Bay, Norfolk Island along with a host of regional and private air strips.

Our drivers have Aviation Security Identification Cards (ASIC) for air-side work, authority to drive air-side permits and several of our sweeper trucks are registered with air-side use authority registration.

Enviropath has available mechanical suctions brooms including the Aebi Schmidt Swingo 200+ and the BROCK VS7 sweeper specifically designed for efficient airport runway sweeping.

If you would like to more information in relation to these services please do not hesitate to contact us.

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